Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chasing the Blues Away

Today is the day!
I'm going to chase the winter blues away
Whichever I pick must stay for awhile
Hopefully it wll give all a smile! So many choices
what is my mood?
Am I feeling spunky or daring
or am I just not caring.
It's hair for goodness sake
so why the hold on my mental state?
Blonde it has been for so long
but the natural is almost all gone
maybe it's time to not be the same
and just go for it and change up the game.
What will it be I have 1 hour to decide
will Ben like what he sees
or say go change it PLEASE!


  1. Wowzers... can't wait to see. Joy... look at you... you litterary giant. Who knew. She's a poet and she didn'teven know it :)

    Love you!

  2. Ben, you're a dork...
    Joy..I'm all over the butch copper colored one! LOL! Girl...all I know is, I get it! Winter makes you want to shave your head bald and start acting totally nuts! Ugh!! give us some summer! well, I will be home if you need to come over and cry about how much you hate it...or if you want to come over and brag about how hot you are!!! :-) You are beautiful no matter what you do! Truly the most beautiful woman I know...because your insides show!!! Go get'em gorgeous!

  3. Oh Joy, this was good and funny. Is tha your face? I didn't recognize you. I really like your hair and color the way it is. Great poem!

  4. Okay, top row, third one in.
    Still laughing... I vote for the picture to the right side of your blog, with two little girls. Stick to THAT look... I was freaked out looking at all those hair-dos on your face! Wierd... :) Hop on over to Amy's blog and enter her bad hair do contest! The computer is hilarious! But please DO post a picture of the real results! Can't wait!

  5. Okay has it been that long since I have seen all of you? That is not my face! Scary. The deed is done a change was made...

  6. Good luck with your new "do"! I'm sure it's beautiful!

  7. FUNNY! We need a follow-up...give us a BEFORE and AFTER! :) the way, I need a status update. (wink, wink)

  8. Let's see the picture with your new hairdo. We're all waiting patiently.

  9. She looks HOT!!! It really looks great! Joy, if you don't post a picture..I will post the one I took ! :-) love ya beautiful lady!

  10. This was a great sight to see all of these hair do's. Can't wait to see the new real you.

  11. Still waiting to see the "new" you. Have Ben take a picture so you can enter it in your blog.

  12. I like all of them :) Can't wait to see what you really look like!

  13. HA! Love this Joy. How did you get all those hairstyles on your face? I want to see the final product!

  14. So, I had to wonder who Ben was sitting by at church... he seemed surrounded by dark-haired women. Then I realized one of them was you!

    I thought it looked great.
