I'm sorry, but I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning... after all it's not every day that you finish writing a complete novel :) Yes, I have finished writing The Lackawanna Prophecies - Chosen. It took me just under three months to write - a little over 55,000 words. This is my second complete novel that I have written, and now I need to kick it into over drive and finish the editing process for both. If you know a good agent or publisher... don't be shy :)
I mean - come on - doesn't it look like a good read? Actually - Mitch and Josh have been dying to get the last two chapters and were fighting tonight over who would get to read them first. Maybe I'll print out two copies and skip the drama.
Shameless plug: To learn more about The Lackawanna Prophecies - CHOSEN, check out my literary blog: BB Hutchins' Literary Corner
Ruth turns 8
5 years ago