Monday, January 26, 2009

What I Need

This is what I needSun, warmth
Flowers and green grass

And this is what I have

The cold winter blues!
Ben tells me to be patient, but it's so hard
My soul needs the sun...come on spring and summer
I'm ready when you are!

Winter picture courtesy of
Aaron Hutchins
of Hutchins Law


  1. HEY! That winter picture is copyright protected! My lawyer will be in touch.... :)

  2. Oh come now! Have a heart...I'm new at this your lucky I found any pictures and figured out how to upload them. All love intended!

  3. We've been having some rain off and on here for the last week or so and I'm ready for sunshine. Sorry about the you usually run indoors or outdoors? Hope the sunshine and warmth get there soon!

  4. Thanks for sharing the flowers - the daisies smell divine!!

  5. There's my SD girl!!! NO KIDDING!!! We are both wilting in this cold and snow! We need warmth and sunshine and beauty to run in! Bring on Spring! or the tanning bed...something:-) Can't wait to run tomorrow! love ya!

  6. Love the pictures and the flowers are just beautiful. I think it will be awhile before we see any of them. When spring gets here, I'll have to wait for the snow to leave the yard so my tulips and daffodils can poke their little head through the ground. Buy yourself some tulips or just any flowers in the grocery store. You'll feel better.

  7. Oh, I hear you loud and clear, I am so ready to bathe in the sun!

  8. You are a California girl at heart, just like my husband. He has such a hard time in the winter if he's in a wintery place. He loved Texas for that reason. Drink some hot chocolate!

  9. LOVE the flowers... we can dream, right?! We spent over an hour chipping ice off portions of our driveway--some of it was 4 and 5 inches thick! Some will have to stay until a thaw. We're getting another foot of snow tomorrow!
    Think warm thoughts.

  10. Yeah me too. I needed sun the day of the first snow. And now I still need it. Go figure.

    But I've got to say, I had a Marilyn moment yesterday when the sun was shining through some melting ice on my tree. And it really was beautiful. Like crystal cherry blossoms.

  11. You can do it Joy! Makes you appreciate the spring and summer all the more when you have to go through these long winters. I'll bring some sunshine with me when I come.

  12. Sending some warmth your way!! Let the countdown to Spring begin!!!
